
Editorial Policies and publication guidelines

Direct Sciences journals

All journals of Direct Sciences are autonomous publications for its decision regarding publication and Direct Sciences deals only for journal management matters. Our all journals have professional team supervised by academic editors to evaluate all papers before going to be published.

Paper transfer

If an article / paper is rejected from one journal, authors have the right to request for transfer of this papers to any other journal of Direct Sciences (if relevant), for consideration. In this case,the articles will be evaluated once again by editorial board and have to pass the review process.The author has the same right for the accepted article (but not published), where still evaluation from editorial board and review process for the second / requested journal has to be carried out.Transfer of articles between the journals is only possible by a written request of corresponding author and further approval of this request from Chief Editor of the primary journal (from where author intent to transfer paper).

Fees for publication

Access to scientific data is important for data validation, next stage of analysis or meta-analyses,interpretation from another angle that leads the output of funding investment for scientific research. Direct Sciences believes in aforementioned argument and so all the data is available freely to the researchers. Direct Sciences provides Free Open Access, by arranging all expenses (including the peer review management, on line hosting, archiving and others) through board of directors of this organization (Direct Sciences Publishers).


By submitting an article, the author(s) is/are considered as bound to agree the open access agreement. After acceptance of article and before its publications, the authors are asked top provide a signed copy of this agreement (provided on Direct Sciences website). Under this agreement, author(s) retain authority of its publication by the copyright policy. However,author(s) agree to allow any person or organization to download, print and/or distribute the publication/article as whole or part of it. Furthermore, this agreement permits Direct Sciences to make the article(s) available worldwide or to level as much as possible, upload the article to any database

Author standing

The corresponding author is responsible about submission, correspondence, author ship justification, copyright issues, authentication of research and all other related issues or queries for the article submitted in any of the journal of Direct Sciences Publishers.
The author(s) contributions must be justified. Financial support from person(s) or organizations(s) should only be mentioned as acknowledgement to such support, and only financial contribution doesn’t provide the right to be included as author or co-author of any publication.

Authorship credit is based on following criteria:
i. Considerable contribution to research concept/design, data acquisition, analysis and its interpretation
ii. Drafting and/or revising the article to the level of intellectual input
iii. Approval of the draft or the final version to be published
iv. Guarantor, who is accountable for the authenticity of the research work
v. Funding acquisition, data compilation, being management head of department and/or only the general supervision of the research group cannot be produced as the right of authorship
vi. In general all listed authors should qualify to authorship criteria, and in the similar way all qualified participants of research should be listed.
vii. Each author, listed in article, is considered to own the public responsibility for the work portions done on his/her part in the research work published by his/her name.
viii. In case of any change proposed by corresponding author to the list of authors of a submitted article at any stage but before its final publication, the corresponding author must contact Chief Editor of the journal (where article is accepted) and provide a clear justification for such change, addition or removal of author(s).

Conflict of interest

To keep the transparency and un-biasses in research, corresponding author (on behalf of all authors) must declare the conflict of interest and assure that no competing interest is involved in the studies, especially in following cases but not limited to these;
i. Ownership, board membership, or paid employment of business for that a publication is a marketing factor, by any mean
ii. Pending or actual applications for patent (either in individual capacity or to institution level), where the author(s) is/are affiliated and may get benefit
iii. Research / travel grants and/or any other type of honour aria for participation or speech at any meetings or any type of gift
iv. Membership in a government, advisory board, lobbying or advocacy organizations,writing or consultancy services, where financial or any other benefit to personal or organizational level is expected that influence the un-biasness of results
v. Personal relationships with author(s), reviewer(s), editor(s), or member(s) of the editorial board as in group or individually involved in the paper submission or evaluation process
vi. Personal interests (including but not limited to political, religious, ideological thoughts)associated to the publication that might interfere to the un-biasness of publication process.
vii. Similarly reviewers and editors of Direct Sciences Publishers must declare any conflict of interest as for authors.

Ethics for research involving Human and animal studies

All research involving human or animal subjects must be approved from the author's institution al ethics committee or review board. In case of absence of such board within author's institute, the approval of research ethics can be obtained from ethics committee or review board belonging to any other organization.In case of Human subjects, an informed consent of study must be obtained from participant subjects of the study. In case of anonymous data, upon request corresponding author should be able to provide the approval from the institutional review board or research ethics committee.Research or reports for diagnostic studies, observational studies, micro array experiments, dealing of biological material (including biomedical research investigations) should confer the approval from ethics committee.

Data sharing

Publication is conditional to the agreement with authors that permit the free availability of all material(s), data, method(s) and all related information as mentioned in their publication, if requested by chief editor of journal, where the article is published. On request by corresponding author or chief editor, by any part, the data can be uploaded as supplementary material. In some cases the research institutes or funding organizations keeps the data as their property and doesn’t allow author(s) to provide data to publisher, except the research outcomes. In such cases the corresponding author must arrange a letter from the respective organization, mentioning the case and guarantee the authenticity of research work.Direct Sciences Publishers encourage researchers to contact Chief Editor for any published article(s), regarding its data, conflict of interest for author(s) and / or ethics of research

Related submissions

Article submission to any of journal under Direct Sciences automatically falls in the agreement that similar and / or duplicate manuscript accepted (or under consideration) for publication is neither been accepted or in the process of submission, elsewhere. If a related work has been submitted to any other journal or publisher, then it must be included as reference of work and a copy of this work may be asked by reviewer and / or chief editor of journal or his/her representative.

Reviewer and editor exclusion

Direct Sciences follows a blind review and editorial policy and submission is only to the address of Chief Editor of specified journal. The corresponding author of any submission may be asked for providing name and contact details of any potential reviewer(s) or member in editorial board,depending on the expertise of the reviewer or editor. In such case, still it is not guaranteed that the submission is recommended to the specific reviewer or editor. Upon submission of a manuscript, corresponding author has the right to exclude any specific editor(s) or reviewer(s) from the peer review of his/her article. Such request will be entertained positively until it does not cause any interference to the objective and thorough assessment of the article.

Conformance to confidentiality

Editors and reviewers are obliged to abide the rules of conformance to the confidentiality of article / submitted manuscripts.

Correction, rectification and additions

A correction or addition to an accepted or published article is possible. Such correction can be requested by corresponding author and / or chief editor of journal. In any case, corrections and additions are only done by mutual consent of corresponding author and chief editor of specific journal where the article has been published.

Ethics of publication

Author(s) are anticipated for the awareness of, and compliance to the best practices in publication ethics, specifically to authorship (e.g., that avoids the ghost or guest authors),manipulation of data or plagiarism, dual submission, competing interests and maximum level compliance with ethics of research.
All Direct Science Journals strictly follow Publication Ethics. All articles are check for plagiarism by software and zero tolerance policy is followed for plagiarized work. The journal reserve the right that if needed, it may contact the institution(s) of author(s), funding organizations of the research under review/publication process or regulatory bodies, furthermore,if a conclusive evidence of misconduct is found, necessary action may be taken for the correction of scientific record, which may include issuing a retraction or correction note.
Publication ethics are also implemented on Reviewers and Editors for fairly treatment of manuscripts by keeping the confidentiality on maximum level and also confirm to not having any competing interests. In cases of any proven misconduct by reviewer(s) and/or editor(s), DirectSciences reserve the right to take action against its own team for such misconduct. Any concerns about publication ethics or aforementioned misconduct should be addressed to the Chief Editor,of the respective Direct Sciences journal.

Distribution of article(s) by author(s)

Author(s) have the right to present their findings in advance of publication, at scientific conferences, thesis for degree award and other informal communication channels. After publication, author(s) may upload their article to any scientific and / or public respiratory,scientific and public database, social networking websites and other(s) either as soft copy of article or in printed copy. This presentation must mention the publication details (including name of journal).

Bio-security and concern against dual use of research

It is understandable that some research areas are considered as under the category of "dual use of research ", such as the biological research works having legitimate scientific purpose but have the possibility to be misused and may pose a biological hazard to public health and/or national security. Although, our journals remains committed to the widespread dissemination of research,but in such cases, our journal(s) reserve the right to consider manuscript submissions within this context of dual use and proscribe all or a part of data or manuscript to be published in DirectSciences journal(s). Furthermore, additionally for the scientific scrutiny, furthermore such work/article may also be referred to an internal evaluation and external consultation by expert in the field, for further deliberation. Corresponding author is obligated to disclose potential bioethics/dual use concerns to the editorial office at the time of submission of the first draft.

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