Editorial Policy
The journal publishes original papers on current research in the form of full- length paper, short communication, full length research articles and book reviews on all aspects of Life Sciences. The researchers are invited to submit original papers in English (papers published elsewhere or under consideration elsewhere shall not be submitted).
Submission of Manuscript
For the initial submission of manuscripts for consideration, submit a soft copy online or through email to editor in chief / Managing editor (directsciences@gmail.com).
For initial submission of manuscripts for consideration, the manuscript should be typed double spaced on paper A4 with 2.5cm margin on all sides. Number the manuscript pages consecutively beginning with the title page. Submit an original manuscript including the text and one set of original illustrations. The manuscripts are categorized under three types – Regular Articles, Short Communications, Book Review and Review Paper. Prepare the manuscript as per style of the Journal. Manuscripts which do not fully confirm to Journal style will not be accepted.
Manuscripts shall be arranged in the following pattern prior to submission
1. Title Page
The title page must contain:
2. Key words
Key words should be included, should not repeat terms used in the article title and should not exceed 6 characters and spaces.
3. Abstracts
The Abstracts should consist of 250 words or less. The abstract should be written in complete sentences and should clearly state the objectives, the experimental design of the paper, principal observations and conclusions.
4. Text (introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion)
5. Acknowledgment (If Any)
The acknowledgment should consist of 150 words or less. The acknowledgment should be written in complete sentences.
6. Footnotes
Footnotes to a table should be typed directly beneath the table and numbered with superscripts (1, 2, 3 etc). They should not be numbered in sequence with the footnotes in the next.
7. References
References citations in the text should be in parentheses and include author name(s) and year of publication (Ali, 2013). Text citations of two or more works at the time should be given in chronological order (Ali, 2014; Daud and Ali, 2013). When citing a paper written by three or more authors, write the name of the first author plus ‘et al’. (Ali et al., 2013) (However, all authors manes must be given in the reference section). Where there are two or more papers by the same author in one year, distinguishing letter (a,b,c,…) should be added to the year.
The references list must be arranged alphabetically by Author’s or Author’s surname(s) and chronologically for each author in the following style. Some of the references given below are not original.
Ali, M., Rehaman, A., Bayoumi, I. and Jahangir, M. 2013. Stress response: alteration in brassicaceae metabolome. J. Bio-Mol. Sci. 1: 1-10.
Ali, M. 2005. Mycoflora of Pakistan. Shahin Publisher, Lahore, Pakistan.
Sections of Books
Ali, M. and Sultan, A. 2004. Mango malformation. In: Plant Diseases of International Importance. (Eds.): Rehman, S., Amin, H. and Iqbal, Z. Shahin Publisher, Lahore, Pakistan. pp. 131-159.
Thesis/ Dissertation
Daud, M. A. 2010. Genetic diversity of rice varieties in Pakistan. PhD Thesis, unpublished. University of Science and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.
When there are more than five authors use et al. in place of rest of the authors.
8. Tables
All tables must be cited in the text. They should be numbered consecutively with Arabic Numerals. Type double spaced. Indicate in the margin where the tables are to appear in the text. Table titles should be complete but brief. Information other than that defining the data should be presented in footnotes, not in the table heading. Please consult a current issue of our journal for table heading format.
9. Figures/Illustrations
10. Numbering
Figures, including charts and graphs should be numbered consecutively.
11. Metric System
The metric system should be used for all measurements; weight etc. temperatures should always be expressed in degrees Celsius (centigrade). Metric abbreviations, as listed below, should be expresses in lower case without periods.
12. Symbols
When proceed by a digit, the following symbols are to be used: % percent, ° for degrees.
13. Size
An article should not generally exceed fifteen printed pages (double spaced typed pages of MS Word-12 Font size). The authors would be charged for additional pages even if a longer article is accepted for publication. Reporting of frequency data may be accepted in the form of small report. Such reports generally not exceed four pages including tables/figures.
14. List of Referees
The contributor may send the names of at least three referees in the field of specialization as the subject of the paper demands, which may be requested for review of the paper (separate list of different referees for each paper). The referees should be other that the members of editorial board of the journal (provide their postal and email addresses and field of specialization.
15. Authorization and Declaration
Authors must accept full responsibility for the content of their articles. The members of the editorial board and the publisher of the journal are not responsible for the statements and opinions expressed by the authors in their articles/ write-up published in the journal. It is also for the authors to seek the permission whose copyrighted material they may use in preparation of their manuscript. While submitting the paper the author(s) must give a declaration that, ‘the article has not been published or sent for publication elsewhere’.
16. Proofs
A single set of page and illustration proofs will be sent to the corresponding author for correction of typographical errors only; alterations other than correction of printer errors will be charged to the author. All correction should be marked clearly, directly on page proofs.
17. Special Issue/Volume
Scientists are welcome to edit an entire special issue/ volume of the journal in their field of specialization as a Guest Editor. For details write to the Chief Editor.
18. Reviews/Book Reviews
Reviews/Book reviews are solicited by the Editor/Managing Editor. Unsolicited reviews will not ordinarily be considered for publication. A book review should begin by stating the Title, Author(s) Publisher, Date, Page Count, Price and ISBN of the work reviewed.
The review should include no other front matter (title, abstract, key words, headings, tables or illustrations). Bibliographical citations should be avoided if possible. The reviewer’s name and address should be placed at end of the review.
19. Notes and Comments
The notes and comments section is reserved for short articles of general interest and responses to previously published items. Three categories of items are included in the notes and comments section.
20. Copyrights
Submission of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract of as part of a published lecture or thesis) that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that if and when the manuscript is accepted for publication, the authors agree to automatic transfer of the copyright to the publisher.
Send subscriptions and Business Correspondence
Please write to Editor in Chief, Journal of Bio-Molecular Sciences (directsciences@gmail.com)
Fill in the form available on Direct Sciences Homepage.
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